In January of 2003, the Reverend Dr. James Brooks, founder and pastor of Tree of Life Outreach Ministries, Inc., wrote a detailed plan for educating clergy and lay persons who desired seminary training, and the foundation was laid for establishing a Christian training college in Daytona Beach, Florida and the surrounding areas.

Throughout 2003 and 2004, preparations went forward to establish a Certificate in Theology Program through a fully accredited college, university or seminary. The program was designed to provide an organized, structured series of courses for ministers and lay persons who desired to improve their knowledge and preparedness for ministry. Because the plan specifically focused on the “Certificate” program, all interested persons, with or without college degrees, were invited to participate.

In April of 2005, a continued prayerful dream became reality when the Interdenominational Theological Center (ITC) named Tree of Life Outreach Ministries an official site for the Certificate in Theology Program. With the assistance of Dr. Michael A. Battle, President of ITC, Dr. Marvin L. Morgan, Director of the Continuing Education and Certificate Programs and Ms. Susie Caswell, Program Director, Tree of Life Bible College received its first class of students in August of 2005.

On the fifth day of May, twelve students traveled with Dr. Brooks to Atlanta, Georgia to receive the Certificate of Theology at the ITC Commencement in 2007.

Now the founder of Tree of Life Bible College has designed a plan offering nine different online programs focused on studying and sharing God’s Word. Students are free to study and learn at their own pace and grow in their ministry calling through taking courses and earning credentials.

Tree of Life’s online classroom environments include everything students need to gain the knowledge and spiritual awareness they seek. Whether you have a busy schedule or are located somewhere other than Florida, Tree of Life’s online courses are a great way to get prepared for wherever God leads you.

Our President and Founder

Reverend Doctor James Brooks is a visionary leader who leads by example. He is able to embrace a vision, map out a path in his mind and communicate that path in order to set plans in motion.
In addition to earning his Ph.D. in American Religion and Culture from the University of Denver/Iliff School of Theology, a Master of Divinity (Cum Laude) from Howard University Divinity School, and a Bachelor of Arts in Secondary Education from the University of Charleston (Morris Harvey College), he served his country for 21 years as a United States Air Force chaplain, retiring with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.
However, when talking with Dr. Brooks, you will learn that his love for God, the Word of God, Judy his lovely wife, family, education and knowledge, Tree of Life Outreach Ministries and Tree of Life Bible College is never ending and his eagerness to help anyone who wants to learn is beyond question.
For over 50 years he has shared his life with students, serving as President and Founder of Tree of Life Bible College, Department Chair of Religion and Philosophy and Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities at Bethune Cookman University, Adjunct Professor at Hampton University, Barry University, the University of Maryland, St. Leo College, and Los Angeles Community College. And, he is first to say, “I really enjoy being with students.”
Our founder’s numerous awards and honors in military and civilian life are indicators that he demands excellence and lives to “press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3:14


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